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Woman with Bible



[ma·thetes] noun: pupil, student, learner, disciple

The Greek word mathetes, used throughout the New Testament, is translated as “disciple.” The definition includes the idea of being a learner, of sitting under another as a pupil, and of becoming like the one who is the teacher. Mathetes: The Making of a Disciple was written for believers who want to spend the year focused on what it means to be a disciple of Christ. Within the study, weekly lessons support eight areas of discipleship:

  • Living in Worship

  • Undertaking Holy Disciplines

  • Using God’s Gifts Wisely

  • Acting Out in Faith

  • Coming Back to God

  • Relating to God

  • Discipling Others

  • The Bridge to Missions

Mathetes: The Making of a Disciple guides the believer in the journey of maturity and multiplication from personal worship and spiritual disciplines to lifestyles of faith and intentional relationships.

Lesson 1: The One We Worship

BIBLICAL PASSAGE: Psalm 104:1-4,24-35

MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 104:33

I will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.

TABLE TALK QUESTION: How does our knowledge of God affect our worship of Him?


  1. Contemplation of God’s heavenly majesty stirs our inmost praise (Psalm 104:1-4).

  2. Contemplation of God’s creative wisdom and earthly providence stirs our inmost praise (Psalm 104:24-30).

  3. Contemplation of God’s unlimited power stirs our joyous inmost praise (Psalm 104:31-35).



  • How would you describe God’s greatness, splendor, and majesty?

  • How have your observations of nature affected your knowledge and worship of God?

  • What is your response when wicked thoughts or sinful actions interrupt your worship of God?

Lesson 2: The Author of Worship

BIBLICAL PASSAGE: Deuteronomy 5:6-22; 6:4-9

MEMORY VERSE: Deuteronomy 6:4-5

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.

TABLE TALK QUESTION: What role should worship play in a believer’s relationship with God?



  1. A worshipful relationship with God begins with giving Him first place in our lives (Deuteronomy 5:6-15).

  2. Our relationship with God determines the way we treat other people (Deuteronomy 5:16-22).

  3. Because of our relationship with God, His Word permeates all aspects of our lives (Deuteronomy 6:4-9).



  • What other “gods” can believers be tempted to give first place in their lives?

  • In a time when it’s possible to shop, work, and socialize around the clock, every day of the week, how can believers “observe the Sabbath by keeping it holy?”

  • What does the way we treat other people reveal about our relationship with and worship of God?

  • What does it mean to love God with all your heart, your soul, and your strength?

  • How does talking about God’s commands throughout the day create an atmosphere of worship within your home?

Lesson 3: An Audience of One


MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 100:1-2

Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.

TABLE TALK QUESTION: What does it mean to be an authentic worshiper of God?


1. Authentic worship is directed toward God (Psalm 100:1–2).

2. Authentic lives are focused on God (Psalm 100:3).

3. Authentic faith draws people to worship (Psalm 100:4–5).



• When you think about worship, what is your role? Are you a spectator or participant? Are you a part of the audience or not?

• Why is it sometimes hard to focus on God during times of worship? How much of your life falls into the category of worship?

• If someone followed you for a week, what would they say about your personal priorities? Would they recognize worship as one of those priorities?

• What are some things you can do to be more intentional about worshiping in your everyday life?

• Your attitude toward worship is a direct result of your attitude toward God. What does your worship say about your relationship with God? Are you satisfied with your response? If not, what changes do you need to make?

Lesson 4: The Ever-Present Spirit



John 4:24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.

TABLE TALK QUESTION: What does it mean to worship in “spirit and truth”?



1. We worship God in “spirit and truth” through our daily lives (John 4:19-21).

2. We worship God in “spirit and truth” through the Holy Spirit’s guidance (John 4:22-24).

3. We worship God in “spirit and truth” through God’s authority (John 4:25-26).



• What do you see as some important aspects of worship?

• What times have you set aside in your personal life for worship?

• What does the idea of worshiping God in “spirit and truth” bring to mind?

• When and where can we worship? • How important is corporate worship?

• What might worship look like outside of a corporate worship setting?

• What prompts you to engage in times of worship?

Lesson 5: Sacrificial Worship

BIBLICAL PASSAGE: Romans 11:30-12:2

MEMORY VERSE: Romans 12:1

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.

TABLE TALK QUESTION: What does it mean to be a living sacrifice?


1. God works out His purposes in history so that we will see His mercy. (Romans 11:30-32).

2. God is gloriously self-sufficient. (Romans 11:33-36).

3. Because of God’s mercy, we are urged to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice. (Romans 12:1-2).



• In what ways has God’s mercy surprised you?

• What characterizes your reaction to our merciful God: (1) worship; (2) advice to God; (3) demands of God?

• How has understanding God’s mercy toward you changed the way you worship? Live?

Lesson 6: Worship is Forever

BIBLICAL PASSAGE: Revelation 4:6-11, 7:9-12

MEMORY VERSE: Revelation 7:10

And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.”

TABLE TALK QUESTION: What will worship look like in heaven?



1. In heaven, the heavenly creatures will encircle the throne and praise God continually (Revelation 4:6-8).

2. In heaven, the elders will lay their crowns before God as they worship Him (Revelation 4:9-11).

3. In heaven, all believers - from every nation, tribe, people, and language—will join the angels and elders to worship God (Revelation 7:9-12).


• According to today’s passages, what is the main event in heaven?

• How is this description of heaven similar to or different from your expectations?

• Why does Scripture emphasize that people from every nation, tribe, and language will be among the multitude worshiping God in heaven?

• How does this glimpse into heaven influence the way you worship God here on earth?

Lesson 7: The Discipline of Prayer
So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

TABLE TALK QUESTION: How does communicating with God through prayer strengthen our Christian walk?



1. Communicating with God through prayer follows Jesus’ example. (Luke 11:1-4).

2. Communicating with God through prayer demonstrates our trust. (Luke 11:5-8).

3. Communicating with God through prayer unveils God’s faithfulness. (Luke 11:9-13).



• Why is prayer important?

• Where is the best place to pray?

• What prompts you to engage in times of prayer?

• What is the significance of beginning a time of prayer with praise to God?

• What kind of things might prepare a person for close communication with the Father?

• When does God not answer prayer concerns?

• What would you tell a person who feels his/her prayers are going unanswered?

Lesson 8: The Discipline of Scripture Study
BIBLICAL PASSAGE: Psalm 119:9-16
MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 119:11
“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”

TABLE TALK QUESTION: Why should believers read the Bible each day?



1. Seeking God with all our heart and hiding His Word in our heart will help us avoid sinning (Psalm 119:9-11).

2. Remembering God’s law will impact the way we live. (Psalm 119:12-13).

3. Keeping God’s ways will bring joy to our lives (Psalm 119:14-16).



• How important do you think it is for Christians to know God’s Word in order to be able to apply it to their lives?

• What prevents us from studying the Bible like we should? Are these things legitimate reasons or excuses?

• How big a role does apathy play in our lack of Bible knowledge?

• What would you have to give up in order to gain more time in God’s Word?

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