On Whom or What Do I Depend?
What does God want to make possible? Meditation on Matthew 14:28-30
No man can prevent God from blessing you: Meditation on Genesis 25:23
Suffering is a part of the plan: Meditation on Genesis 25:22
God wants me more than he wants anything I can do for him: Meditation on Genesis 22:1
God has a purpose for my life, and he means to fulfill it: Meditation on Psalm 57:2
"Behold, I have two daughters": A meditation of Genesis 19:8
An Inconvenient Truth
"To your offspring I give this land”: Meditation on Genesis 15:18
How to Deal with Discouragement and Disappointment
18 Prayers to Pray for Unbelievers
No one hurts me more than I hurt myself
Love Keeps No Records of Wrongs
God’s Sovereign Goodness
Prisoner of Hope
Veiled in Flesh, the Godhead See
Surrendering to God
The Meaning of Christmas Is Easter
Doers of the Word
The ‘Little Herod’ in Each of Us